Friday, March 30, 2012

Daily Devotion - Friday, March 30

Approaching the Weekend

I hope you enjoy this poetic piece by Dostoevsky; it helps encourage me to sing a song of love for everything that surrounds me:

“Love all creation
The whole of it and every grain of sand
Love every leaf
Every ray of God's light
Love the animals
Love the plants
Love everything
If you love everything
You will perceive
The divine mystery in things
And once you have perceived it
You will begint o comprehend it ceaselessly
More and more everyday
And you will at last come to love the whole world
With an abiding universal love.”

--Ben Keckler

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Daily Devotion - Thursday, March 29

A Springtime Prayer

How did Native Americans feel about spring? Do we have any clues about their tradition? As we celebrate the beauty of spring, receive this verse from the Chinook SongBook. The Chinook tribe lived in the northwest, in the states we now call Oregon and Washington, extending into Canada. Here is a paraphrase of their springtime prayer:

“May we today be touched by grace, fascinated and moved by this your creation,
Energized by the power of new growth at work in your world.

“May we move beyond viewing this life only through a frame, but
Touch it and be touched by it,
Know it and be known by it,
Love it and be loved by it.

“May spring come to us, be in us and recreate life in us. Amen.”

--Ben Keckler

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Daily Devotion - Wednesday, March 28

Spring, Welcome Spring

“Spring shows what God can do with a drab and dirty world.”
--Virgil Kraft

February and early March were very kind to us this year. We are experiencing the beauty of transition a bit earlier than normal. Daffodils had their premature emergence in early January and they have already displayed their God-given beauty.

The drab and dirty piles of snow have long disappeared, if there were any this year. There are fewer potholes needing to be repaired! Lawns are rapidly greening reminding us that soon the noise of busy lawn mower engines will return.

It won't take too much longer until we are surrounded by a world teeming with new life. I really like Mr. Kraft's observation, “Spring shows what God can do with a drab and dirty world.” Enjoy your day.

--Ben Keckler

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Daily Devotion - Tuesday, March 27

Spring, Welcome Spring

Daffodils and tulips are blooming, perennials are displaying the rhythmic change from dormancy to resurrection, trees will soon have leaves dancing in the wind. This is a season that just breaks forth with life. I received this quote several months ago and felt it was most appropriate for spring, welcome spring:

“When the heart breaks open,
it marks the beginning of a real love affair with this world.
It is a broken-hearted love affair,
rather than the conventional kind based on hope and expectation.
Only in this fearless love that can respond to life's pain
as well as its beauty
can we be of real help to ourselves or anyone else
in this difficult age. ”

--John Welwood

May you emerge this springtime, filled with fearless love and responding to life. Have a blessed day.

--Ben Keckler

Daily Devotion - Monday, March 26

Spring, Welcome Spring

“I want to know if you can see Beauty
even when it is not pretty every day.
And if you can source your own life, from its presence.”


Some months ago a friend introduced me to a writer, an inspirational poet. Oriah's writings speak to our inner core challenging us to pay attention to the Spirit that is present within us, the Spirit that prompts us to honor our feelings.

Spring is a time for budding. As you welcome this season when new life emerges from seemingly dead and lifeless bulbs, plants and trees, I would encourage you to take time and pay attention to the new life that is waiting to emerge from within you.

Not every day will be pretty, but everyday will be filled with Beauty as you stay attentive. Have a good week.

A prayer: Lord, to my heart bring back the springtime! Amen.

--Ben Keckler

Friday, March 23, 2012

Daily Devotion - Friday, March 23

Prayer Thoughts

“Out of my distress I called on the Lord…
The Lord is my strength and my might;
God has become my salvation.”
--Psalm 118:5, 14

Daily we are greeted with unsettling stuff, challenges that are most difficult. Some are close and personal, others are more global. The up close, personal things can grab us and really shake up all the things we are trying to balance. Ken Phifer’s prayer “I Need a Sense of Peace” can be helpful,

“Give me peace, O God, a central peace.
Let me know that at the heart of turbulence
There is the calm that comes from faith in you
That at the core of life
There is great confidence
From which springs forth courage and gladness.
Give me a standing place in life
Wherefrom I may be able to look steadily
Upon the world without panic.
Out of my central peace,
Let there ripple forth concern and compassion,
Indignation at injustice,
And willingness to give of myself
Knowing your spirit is with me.

“May I attain the feeling
That I have touched that central peace,
The peace that abides amid the confusion of life. Amen.”

--Ben Keckler

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Daily Devotion - Thursday, March 22

Quiet Centers

“God leads me beside still waters, restoring my soul.”
From Psalm 23

One aspect of our spiritual journey during chaotic times falls into the area of self-care. “Come and Find the Quiet Center” is a wonderful hymn that expresses feelings related to this subject. The last two days we focused on the first two verses of the hymn. Today, verse 3:

“In the Spirit let us travel; open to each other’s pain,
Let our loves and fears unravel, celebrate the space we gain:
There’s a place for deepest dreaming, there’s a time for heart to care,
In the Spirit’s lively scheming there is always room to spare!”

Take a few moments and find the restoration your soul deserves.
Have a great day!

A prayer: Gentle God, lead me to places where I can care for my soul. Amen.

--Ben Keckler

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Daily Devotion - Wednesday, March 21

Finding our Quiet Center

“God leads me beside still waters, restoring my soul.”
From Psalm 23

One aspect of our spiritual journey during chaotic times falls into the area of self-care. I’ve discovered a wonderful hymn that expresses feelings related to this subject. In yesterday’s devotions we focused on the first verse of “Come and Find the Quiet Center”. Today, verse 2:

“Silence is a friend who claims us, cools the heat and slows the pace,
God it is who speaks and names us, knows our being, touches base,
Making space within our thinking, lifting shades to show the sun,
Raising courage when we’re shrinking, finding scope for faith begun.”

Take a moment or two (three or four…) and find the restoration your soul deserves.

A prayer: Gentle God, lead me to places where I can care for my soul. Amen.

--Ben Keckler

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Daily Devotion - Tuesday, March 20

Our Quiet Center

“God leads me beside still waters, restoring my soul.”
From Psalm 23

One aspect of our spiritual journey during chaotic times falls into the area of self-care. I’ve discovered a wonderful hymn that expresses feelings related to this subject. For the remaining devotions this week we will look at each of the verses from "Come and Find the Quiet Center".

“Come and find the quiet center in the crowded life we lead,
Find the room for hope to enter, find the frame where we are freed:
Clear the chaos and the clutter, clear our eyes that we can see
All the things that really matter, be at peace, and simply be.”

Take a moment or two (three or four…) and find the restoration your soul deserves.

A prayer: Gentle God, lead me to places where I can care for my soul. Amen.

--Ben Keckler

Monday, March 19, 2012

Daily Devotion - Monday, March 19

Devotion for Springtime

William Bennett, former Secretary of Education and Chair of the National Endowment for the Humanities has edited two wonderful books. The Book of Virtues provides a brief story I’ve chosen for today’s devotion:

“I never can do it,” the little kite said,
As he looked around at the others high over his head.
“I know I should fall if I tried to fly.”
“Try,” said the big kite, “only try!
Or I fear you never will learn at all.”
But the little kite said, “I’m afraid I’ll fall.”

The big kite nodded: “Ah well, goodbye;
I’m off,” and he rose toward the tranquil sky.
Then the little kite’s paper stirred at the sigh,
And trembling he shook himself free for flight.
First whirling and frightened, then braver grown,
Till the big kite looking down could see
The little one rising steadily.

Then how the little kite thrilled with pride,
As he sailed with the big kite side by side!
While far below he could see the ground,
And the bodies like small spots moving round.
They rested high in the quiet air,
And only the birds and the clouds were there.
“Oh, how happy I am!” the little kite cried,
“And all because I was brave, and tried.”

A prayer: God of courage, watch over me today as I take the steps I need to take. Particularly be near me in those unnerving moments when I need to “fly” in unfamiliar territories. Amen.

--Ben Keckler