Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Daily Devotions - Wednesday 10.17.07


This week our devotions focus on the significance of taking time to continue development of spiritual awareness.

"Create in me a clean heart, O God."
A song from an ancient seeker

Wednesday: Absenteeism Present-ness

Over the last few weeks a number of difficult situations have confronted a number of my friends, fellow associates and - to be quite honest - me. Today I would like to share the following story with you.

"The great Karl Rahner wrote to a young German drug addict who had asked him for help. The addict had written, 'You theologians talk about God, but how could this God be relevant in my life? How could this God get me off drugs?' Rahner replied, 'I must confess to you in all honesty that for me God is and has always been absolute mystery. I do not understand what God is; no one can. We have imitations, inklings; we make faltering, inadequate attempts to put mystery into words. But there is NO word for it, no sentence for it.' He added these words later, 'The task of the theologian is to explain everything through God and to explain God as unexplainable.'"

God is unexplainable mystery. What I am learning is this:

Be aware. Watch; observe what is going on within you and around you. It is so easy to be imprisoned by old sayings. Being aware helps us break out of rigid patterns we have developed out of the thoughts and words we have imposed on God.

Recently I shared with one of my friends that God could best be described as "Absenteeism Present-ness." I like that term for mystery.

I pray that you will have a good day.

A Prayer: Holy God, purify me again today. Amen.

--Ben Keckler 10.17.07

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