Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Daily Devotion - Tuesday, September 14

Creativity Within Us

“I will sing a new song to you, O God;
upon a ten-stringed harp I will play to you.”

--Psalm 144:9

Claiming your creative edge or edges can be a most energizing activity. You’ve heard someone say something like: “I’m not creative.” Possibly, you have even uttered those words. The reality is that each of us has creative potential within. Over the years, I’ve observed people display gifts I had no knowledge they possessed. They demonstrated the creative potential that was written in their spirit.

One way of discovering the creative genius within us is practice. A musician discovers the depth of their creative edge as they practice the basics of scales, chords, melody, harmony and technique. A gourmet chef develops their creative edge practicing with herbs and spices and then dreaming “outside the recipe box.” A gardener learns more and more about their creative edge by nurturing various plants and working in various soils. The more we practice the more we develop an inner confidence. With time we are ready to “sing new songs” and play new instruments of praise to our Creator. Having honed our skills, we are better prepared to listen with calm confidence to that inner voice that empowers us to create something unique.

--Ben Keckler

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