Monday, April 30, 2012

Daily Devotion - Monday, April 30

Rhythms in the Life Journey “You visit the earth and water it, you greatly enrich it….” A songwriter announces his/her belief in the Creator’s springtime goodness --Psalm 65:9 This week I’d like for us to spend some devotional time with some prayers and thoughts about the life journey. Children are born, children complete a school year, youth graduate from high school and college, weddings are celebrated, and death visits us. These rhythms come to us because Holy Presence visits us and our lives are enriched. So come with me friends on a journey through some of the rhythms we experience. Come and meditate. Today a prayer for a baptism or blessing of a child as written by The Rev. Mark Belletini: We bless this child with the elements of our common being, With earth, air, fire and water. With earth, which is as solid as your given frame, my child, we bless you. Take care of yourself as a body; be good to yourself, for you are a good gift. With air, which is as fluctuating as your given passion my child, we bless you. You will know sorrow and joy, rage and contentment, resentment and ecstasy. Feel your passions my child, they are good gifts. With fire, which is as illuminating as your given intelligence, my child, we bless you. Reason with care, test the world, and think with care, for your mind is a good gift. With water, which is as clear as your spirit my child, we bless you. Grow in conscience, be rooted in good stories, and grow spiritually, for spirit too is a good gift. Bless you, my child. --Ben Keckler 04.30.12

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