Friday, December 14, 2007

Daily Devotions - Friday 12.14.07

Holy Days, Holy Seasons

“For God alone my soul waits in silence;
from him comes my salvation.
God alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress;
I shall never be shaken.”
Psalm 62: 1, 2

During the week we’ve examined holy days and/or seasons that make up the rhythm of “the holidays.” There is a common thread in the religious holidays of the world’s religions. Woven throughout the fabric of all religious communities is the theme that “light (divine light) is visible in the midst of personal darkness.” The language that describes this belief is demonstrated in a variety of symbolic ways. For generations people of all faiths have taken great pride in their “stream of faith” that allows God to empower their souls. As co-participants in a global village, the present moment is a good time for us to grow in our understanding and appreciation of the ways each religion expresses their convictions.

In the chaplaincy office we have a book “A Hospital Handbook on Multiculturalism and Religion”. In this book are insights about the beliefs and practices of the major religions, as well as discussions about the significance of attitudes, rites, rituals, and dietary observances. Most who read this devotion today will be Western Christians, caught up in the busy-ness of our holiday season, but take time to listen to the heartbeat of other faith traditions. When we do this, God alone will be our rock and another step will be taken to having a global village dwelling together in peace.

A prayer: Holy God, be near your people this Holy Season. Amen.

--Ben Keckler

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