Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Daily Devotions - Tuesday 12.11.07

Holy Days, Holy Seasons

“I will create new heavens and a new earth.
The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind.”
Isaiah 65.17

Holidays. We think of that word and a number of pictures come to mind, don’t they? First and foremost a holiday is a Holy Day, a festival day set aside for people to celebrate a sacred happening. Some Holy Days spread themselves out into a series of days, an example being the “twelve days of Christmas”. Several of the world’s major religions have holy seasons during this part of the calendar year. This week we will look at a couple of these holy days/holy seasons.

During the week from Christmas to New Year’s, there is a festival called Kwanzaa. This celebration is a faith-based observance primarily celebrated by many North Americans of West African descent. A seven-branched candelabrum is used to call the celebrants to focus on important attributes for living life with integrity. The attributes include the following: unity, self-determination, responsibility, cooperative economics, purpose, creativity, and faith. Each day of the festival another candle is lit and participants focus on the meaning of one of these characteristics.

New festivals emerge in culture, often rooted in old traditions. It is important to learn about them and understand their significance. Taking the time to incorporate the unfamiliar with our time-honored traditions, we may very well find a meaning of the text for today. The characteristics examined during Kwanzaa deserve special attention in every person’s life.

A prayer: Creator God, continually open us to the new things you have for your creation. Amen.

--Ben Keckler

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