Monday, December 24, 2007

Daily Devotions - Monday 12.24.07

Keeping Things in Perspective

A Story To Read and Another To Tell

“It is good to give thank to the Lord,
to sing praises to your name, O Most High!”
--A song of God’s people (Psalm 92: 1)

I'd like to invite you to read a story. The story is part of the Christian tradition, a religion that recognizes the next 48 hours as a very holy time. Today’s story is a story about feelings that Mary had during her pregnancy. The story is found in Luke 1, verses 39 to 56.

Along with the story from Scripture, I want to share a story from our chaplaincy experiences. One of our chaplains was visiting in the Childbirth Center when she was asked by a “soon-to-be” mom to accompany her to the delivery room. The mom was not going to have a support person with her and she felt the need for support. The invitation was accepted. A while later a newborn baby was crying, exercising new lungs; mom and “coach” were beaming.

As I listened to the story of this miraculous birth, joy and excitement began to fill the room. An event, a birthing event—a miracle event brought new possibilities to this world. The story of Christmas has done, is doing and will always do the same thing. I trust that you can experience the joy of birthing (at least spiritually) during these holy days. God be with you. Peace and joy be yours.

Ben Keckler

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