Thursday, December 13, 2007

Daily Devotions - Thursday 12.13.07

Holy Days, Holy Seasons

“He will not judge by what he sees with his eyes,
or decide by what he hears with his ears;
but with righteousness he will judge the need,
with justice he will give decisions for the poor of the earth.”
Isaiah 11:3

Holidays. We think of that word and a number of pictures come to mind, don’t they? First and foremost a holiday is a Holy Day, a festival day set aside for people to celebrate a sacred happening. Some Holy Days spread themselves out into a series of days, an example being the “twelve days of Christmas”. Several of the world’s major religions have holy seasons during this part of the calendar year.

Western Christianity’s celebrations surrounding Christmas are probably the most festive of all religious holiday celebrations. Even during the season of preparation, commonly known as Advent, Christians are anxious to sing the carols of Christmas. In the United States it is common for all the Christmas traditions from the birth of Christ to Saint Nicholas to be displayed inside and outside of homes and businesses. Western Christians, whether in impoverished countries like Nicaragua or in affluent countries like the US and Canada, demonstrate their festive spirits in many ways. Acts of charity increase, social and religious calendars are filled and Christians welcome the gift of Emmanuel with gifts (large or small) to family and friends.

A prayer: O gift of God revealed among us, shine through our hearts this Christmas. Amen.

--Ben Keckler

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