Monday, April 12, 2010

Daily Devotion - Monday, April 12

Moving Toward Occupancy

“Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us,
and prosper for us the work of our hands –
O Lord, prosper the work of our hands.”

--A prayer song (Psalm 90: 17)

In just a few weeks Hendricks Regional Health will open the doors of a new facility. This week I want to focus our devotional life on how the rhythms of a new building can correlate with the rhythms of our personal lives.

Today is Monday. We focus on plans. Long before this $61 million construction project saw the first bit of earth moved, MANY groups of people were engaged in the planning process. Planning is difficult work; I've learned that through personal experience with a number of construction projects. Scores and scores of questions need to be studied and answered with vision for an undetermined future. Funding needs to be examined and reexamined. Meetings for clarification seem to be unending. Refining the plan for final drawings is tedious. The final drawings are “completed” but new data has called for some important reconsideration of certain parts of the plan. The site needs to be fully assessed for its suitability. And then there is … … … ….

All this before any visible site work/foundation work can even begin.

In a similar way, each of us continues to develop “our” plan for “our” life, working and refining the details. Without a well-defined plan, there will be unsettling turmoil. Planning is critical. How are you planning for your future? Are you giving the future the attention it deserves. How much are you studying and preparing for life?

This new work of our hands at our hospital is the result of hard work by visionaries who dreamed dreams and committed their energies to the necessary tasks of planning. To the planners, we offer our thanks for the work of your hands and minds. May God prosper your work and ours in the days, weeks, months, years and decades ahead. Have a very good week.

--Ben Keckler

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