Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Daily Devotion - Wednesday, April 14

Moving Toward Occupancy

“Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us,
and prosper for us the work of our hands –
O Lord, prosper the work of our hands.”

--A prayer song (Psalm 90:17)

In just a few weeks we will open the doors of a new facility. We focus our devotional life on how the rhythms of the new building can correlate with the rhythms of our personal life.

Today is Wednesday. We focus on finishing work.

Over the past few weeks people have taken a stroll into the new building. In the next weeks the finishing touches will make a remarkable difference. Finishing work is detail work; finishing work gives external witness to internal character; finishing work tells an important story about an organization’s attention to detail. We will watch landscapers do their work on the exterior finishes; also, we will watch hospital associates getting things in working order on the interior. Even when the finishing work is done, it will never be fully complete. Soon we will find a detail that we didn’t dream of in the planning or structural work phases of building. We will have to find the best way to integrate that detail into what we hoped was a finished product.

Individually, we need to give attention to the finishing work in our lives. We need to realize that we can always “improve” our finished product. Reinhold Niebuhr said it this way: “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; Courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference.” Today is another day for some finishing work. Have a blessed day in all you do.

--Ben Keckler

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