Thursday, April 8, 2010

Daily Devotion - Thursday, April 8

Peace and My Life

“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you.”
--Jesus, as remembered by John (14:27)

Scenic beauty abounds in the Shenandoah Valley. Have you ever traveled through the area where the Shenandoah Indian tribe made their home? Across the entire country, our Native American brothers and sisters were wise people.

“It is no longer good enough to cry peace,
we must act peace,
live peace
and live in peace.”

--Ancient Indian Proverb

These words are powerful! They suggest we have talked enough, that we have gone around and around about the desire for peace-filled times. Recently I participated in a continuing education course and the theme was simply:

“So, what are YOU going to do about it?”

The proverb and the question combined with the scripture verse for today, pose a challenge for responsible living in a chaotic world. There are ample examples suggesting that the time for talking about peace needs to be reflected in our actions immediately.

The three introspective questions for today could be:
Am I acting peace?
Am I living peace?
Am I living in peace?

Prayer: Amid the talk, may my walk reflect the way of peace. Amen.

--Ben Keckler

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