Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Daily Devotion - Wednesday, March 10

A Day with St. Francis of Assisi

“Search me, O God, and know my heart;
test me and know my thoughts.
See if there is any wicked way in me,
And lead me in the way everlasting.”

--From an old hymn, Song 139

A few years ago writer David Hazard did some research on Francis of Assisi and was inspired to write a book of 40 meditations, A Day in Your Presence. St. Francis wrote from a Christian perspective. Some minor editing may be done from time to time for our multi-faith staff here at the hospital.

“I am awed at the glory of it, amazed at the great and holy gift that is ours—to have a Creator who cares. Deep within me the very wonder of it burns with a holy fire. When I am faced with my own sin, it warms me with consolation. When I face a world of cruelty and vices, it brightens my soul with its beauty and with flames of holy wonder. To have a God who has willingly and lovingly promised to be ours forever!”
--St. Francis, from his second letter to the faithful

As we continue through this week, realize the gift that is within you, within those who entrust us and within our fellow workers.

A prayer for today: “In this moment, I want to be with you so that I may walk today in this thirsty world and carry with me a cool drink of your presence. Amen.”

--Ben Keckler

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