Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Daily Devotion - Wednesday, March 31

Pink Poppies

“O magnify the Lord with me,
let us exalt God’s name together.”

--A request to sing of God’s goodness

A couple weeks ago I started planting flower seeds. Most of them are from our flowers last year. Some of them have quite a history, connecting us with special people in our lives.

• Today the story of the Pink Poppy. My wife’s mother lives in a retirement community in beautiful Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. A couple of years ago my wife was visiting her mom and met one of the master gardeners at Brethren Village. This master gardener was not an employee. This master gardener was a resident, around 90 years old. Her flowerbeds were meticulously groomed. Because she has macular degeneration, her gardening efforts are done more by feel than by sight. We were privileged to receive several types of seeds, one of which was the Pink Poppy. We are certain that pink poppies would not be a part of our gardening except that a master gardener shared her seeds with us.

• The flowerbed near the bird feeders will have delicate pink poppies dancing in the summer breezes this year. We will take some time to reflect on wonderful master gardeners, particularly those who don’t let aging change their love for the beauty of the earth.

• Today is Wednesday. Take some time today to think of some master gardeners who have helped make you the person you are.

A prayer: Through the seed and soon the budding flower, help me to remember and give thanks for people like the master gardener. Amen.

--Ben Keckler

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