Thursday, March 13, 2008

Daily Devotion - Thursday, March 13

Some Reflections On Prayer
“Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord.
Lord, hear my voice!”
--Psalm 130: 1

Few people will deny that prayer is a significant part of life. Many people will say things like, “I don’t know where I would be right now if it weren’t for prayer.” Often the comment will be made, “I don’t pray as much as I should.” Like the writer of today’s meditative verse, a universal cry comes from the created to the Creator.

Even with all of this certainty about the significance of prayer, few people enter into the sacred moments of prayer as actively as we should or could. There is always one more phone call, one more letter, one more visit, one more meeting, one more party, one more TV show, one more page to read and… The insurmountable pile of activities surrounding us can win our attention and offer the tangible distraction, pulling us away from the centering process of prayer.

“The contrast between the great support for the idea of prayer and the lack of support for the practice of it is so blatantly visible that it becomes easy to believe in the power of the things that surround us.” (Nouwen, The Way of the Heart, p. 55)

Take time and, in the way that works for you, pray. May you have a day that is showered with blessings because you’ve taken the necessary time to center your life, allowing the divine to show you what is important for today.

A prayer for today: Allow me enough stillness, O God. Keep me centered, listening for you!

Ben Keckler

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