Monday, March 24, 2008

Daily Devotions - Monday, March 24

It's Warming Up

“The heavens are telling the glory of God;
and the firmament proclaims his handiwork. ”
--From Psalm 19: 1

Good morning! Spring has sprung and the renewal of nature sings mighty songs! Along with a song of anticipated beauty, we can hear a song proclaiming the steady rhythm of life. Season after season declares the glory of God. (Candidly this writer is glad that winter is behind us, I’m ready for a season of new life!)

We continue to deal with another song as well. The drumbeat of rhetoric about Iraq continues daily. The painful stories continue to surface and, quite possibly, we will be hearing stories of trauma, death, destruction, courage, bravery and patriotism for some time to come. Each of us have personal perspectives to this international conflict, and respecting each person’s opinion is difficult, if not impossible. Five years ago, I wrote: “The challenge of prolonged war will be to stay the United States of America and not become the Untied States of America.” We are not totally “untied” but we are certainly far from “united.”

The song of springtime is a song of new life. Nature is telling the glory of God. I pray that we can at least carry a united song of new life to those we encounter this week.

A prayer: God of springtime, bring peace. Amen.

Ben Keckler

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