Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Daily Devotions - Tuesday, March 25

Election Reflection

“O God, you are my God, I seek you,
my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you,
as in a dry and weary land where there is no water. ”
--From Psalm 63: 1

The faith journey is filled with mystery and tension. Being faithful to Divine presence is a worthy goal for each of us. It is clear that there are numerous voices on the side of peace and on the side of war. One of the most difficult things in America during this election year will be to maintain respect for persons “on the other side of the fence.” Both sides are easily able to justify their position and use a variety of quotes to back them up. Maintaining respect for and carefully listening to the “other side” is tough, tough stuff. Yet, this difficult stuff is what makes America the wonderful place that it is. United in the desire for liberty but differing in methodology for maintaining liberty; can we live with that?

Today there are Americans and Iraqi people who are in a war ravaged country. Some of them are dangerously close to not having enough for survival. Try to imagine it! If you can allow yourself enough quiet time to feel the effects of things like “no water”, then the cry of the Psalmist will be real. Today there will be many patients in hospitals who will be NPO and will cry out for just a bit of moisture on their tongue. If you can allow yourself to be close to those in need in their thirst, then the prayer of the Psalmist will be real.

May you have a good day with enough.

A prayer: Strong, aching God, be with all people and especially defenders of our freedom as the war continues. Amen.

Ben Keckler

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