Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Daily Devotions - Monday, May 12

Thoughts on Spirituality

Authentic spiritual wholeness, by its very nature, is open-ended.
It is always in the process of becoming, always incomplete.

--Gerald May, M.D.—Addiction and Grace

Dr. May’s observation paints such a helpful picture for us. On the one hand we long for completeness, for a finished product, for everything to be neatly tied together; on the other hand we need to realize that the journey through life is not a completed map.

As we develop, understand and accept the new things that come our way, we become healthier people. The more we do this, the more we realize the open-ended nature of spirituality. When we get to the point that this process is routine, life becomes one fabulous journey of “Amazing Grace.”

Authentic living—that is what we long for. Enjoy your day!!! And enjoy your week as you discover the many ways that the Holy One is gracing your journey.

A prayer for today: God of the journey, continue to grace my life and help me see the ways that you intend for me to mature. Amen.

Ben Keckler

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