Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Daily Devotions - Tuesday, May 6

Go Ahead, Leap!

“We both believe and disbelieve a hundred times an hour
which keeps Believing nimble.”

--Emily Dickinson

What would it have been like to know and talk with Emily Dickinson? From time to time one of her great lines appears and it makes so much sense. She was so insightful. The quote above is one of those insightful quotes.

The struggle to trust God in all things is so very difficult. Trusting calls for a real leap of faith. Life really is acting in faith as if we trust and then, when we discover that we are kept safe, our trust emerges.

As we take enough time to listen to our hearts, we sense there is a dialog that's happening! The dialog is between belief and disbelief. It goes something like this, “Should I leave this place of comfort, not knowing whether there is going to be comfort beyond this place?” As we leap into the uncharted space, we discover that the boundaries of God’s love are greater than we imagined. We find an “at-home-ness” that keeps expanding.

This week will be filled with hundreds of possibilities. Leap into the spaciousness of the eternal, ever-present one; or…debate about it; or … stay in the present; or …???

May your trusting stay nimble.

A prayer: God of the journey, may my week be filled with opportunities to leap, knowing that you will embrace me. Amen.

Ben Keckler

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