Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Daily Devotions - Tuesday, May 13

When God Over-does It!

Recently I participated in a book festival with 80 authors. Mitch Albom, author of Tuesdays With Morrie, was there and attracted quite a crowd. This book is the story of a college professor, Morrie Schwartz, and the last weeks of his life. Mitch Albom was one of the professor’s students who, upon hearing that his beloved teacher was dying, decided he wanted to spend time with his professor and learn some additional lessons about life. This little snippet shows that Morrie didn’t lose his spark and enthusiasm even as he journeyed toward his eternal rest.

Okay, question, I say to Morrie. His bony fingers hold his glasses across his chest, which rises and falls with each labored breath.
“What is the question?” he says.
Remember the Book of Job?
“From the Bible?”
Right, Job is a good man, but God makes him suffer. To test his faith.
“I remember.”
Takes away everything he has, his house, his money, his family…
“His health.”
Makes him sick.
“To test his faith.”
Right, I say. To test his faith. So, I’m wondering…
“What are you wondering?”
What you think about that?
Morrie coughs violently. His hands quiver as he drops them by his side.
“I think,” he says, smiling, “God overdid it.” (Pages 150-151)

May you find enough spark and enthusiasm for today. Thanks Morrie for the insight!

Ben Keckler

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