Thursday, May 22, 2008

Daily Devotions - Thursday, May 22

Further Reflections on Psalm 23

We are getting close to a holiday weekend and may be longing to experience the soothing words of the 23rd Psalm. “He makes me to lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside still waters, he restores my soul.”

As this spring season unfolds, it would be really nice to go over to the park, spread out a blanket and lie down surrounded by green grass and observe the budding of new life around. It would be equally nice to go over to the park and walk next to the stream, listening to the waters gently flowing and making just enough noise to relax our anxious souls. We long for our souls to be restored, don’t we.

The writer of this song seems to say, “God leads me to the places he does and I know my shepherd is providing for my renewal. Yes, God is enabling me to recapture my energy and move ahead.” By listening closely, you will find your gentle shepherd is framing ways for you to discover wonderful treasures within your soul.

A Prayer attributed to John Neale: “Lord, one day I will live with you where you are. Live with me where I am now. Amen.”

Ben Keckler

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