Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Daily Devotions - Wednesday, May 14

Creation is Good

“God created human beings and assigned them
to manage the earth, plants, animals, and birds.
And God saw that everything he had made was very good.”

-- From the Creation story in Genesis 1

The month of May is nearly half over! The little seeds planted some weeks ago are now healthy and ready for planting. The perennials are, for the most part, looking quite healthy. The tomato plants are thriving and little blossoms are hinting of better days ahead. The birds continue to thoroughly enjoy pounds of birdseed I put out each morning. The cat sits at the storm door, no longer looking through glass but sniffing fresh air as it comes into the house. Very good, yes, very good!

Jocele Meyer writes: “I have a dream that one-day we, too, will see all that God has created as good. We will live in such ways that word and deed are one. We will work toward that day as we farm in more sustainable ways, plant trees that purify the air, cultivate our urban gardens, and make a habit of walking short distances so fewer parking lots represent the last harvest on the land. I have a dream that humankind will more fully understand what it means to live in covenant with God.” (Earthkeepers, p. 39)

Enjoy creation’s beauty and have a blessed day in your labors.

Ben Keckler

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