Thursday, May 8, 2008

Daily Devotions - Thursday, May 8

The Wonderful World of Another

A thought for today:
“There are two ways of looking at the world,
of entering into relationship with it.
We may see in it nothing but things.
On the other hand, one can lay oneself open
to the world of persons.”
--Paul Tournier

Around 65 years ago Swiss physician, Dr. Paul Tournier, began writing books calling health care providers to be concerned about the entire person. The books are classics and need to be referenced in each and every decade.

Our gadget filled, convenience oriented society puts a great deal of pressure on all of us to look at the world, to relate to the world of things. For example, after a day at work it is often easier to go home and turn on the radio or TV than it is to take twenty of thirty minutes relating to those significant persons in our lives. We could create an endless list of the ways that the world of things takes precedence over the world of persons.

The “things” of our society are not necessarily bad or evil. Take this devotional. The world of computers has given us a means of generating this. Tournier’s reminder is about our relating to the world. If we relate only through things, we are missing the wonderful world of heart and soul interaction. Relational time can contribute to healthier living.

Take some time today to “open to the world of persons”. It is a tremendous opportunity that may bring the Holy One closer to you than you ever imagined. Take some time and think about how you are relating to the things and persons around you. May your day be filled with blessedness!

Ben Keckler

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