Friday, January 25, 2008

Daily Devotions - Friday, January 25


“Restore to me the joy of your salvation,
and sustain in me a willing spirit.”
--Psalm 51: 12

Football season is winding down. Soon one team will be filled with joy and the other team will be remembering that they got to play in “the big game.” Millions and millions will be enjoying their winter version of a football tailgate party. By the time Monday morning after the Super Bowl arrives, most of the joy from the previous day will disappear as the work week begins. Joy is something we crave in our culture; its life span seems so short. Dollars in the hundreds of millions will be spent for a few hours of momentary joy. Please understand that football is my favorite sport. I will be watching, enjoying the entertainment of the evening throughout the game and maybe even during halftime!

Frederick Buechner tells a story from his life about the day he signed a contract for the first of many novels and was filled with joy. As he left the office of the publisher, he met a college friend who was working for the publisher, his job was delivering messages. Buechner’s observation about that experience is touching. “All I can say now is that something small but unforgettable happened inside me as a result of that chance meeting. There was some small flickering out of the truth that, in the long run, there can be no real joy for anybody until there is joy finally for us all.”

Enjoy these ending days of the football season friends! And, at a deeper level, keep working for and praying that there will be peace and joy for everyone in the global village.

A prayer for today:
Restore the joy, O God. Amen.

Ben Keckler

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