Monday, January 28, 2008

Daily Devotions - Monday, January 28

Taking Care of our Soul

“To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul.”
--Psalm 25: 1

Every so often when reading reviews about books, you are called to attention and long to read more. Sam Keen offered this magnetic two-sentence review of the book, "Care of the Soul" (Thomas Moore):

“This book may help you give up the futile quest for salvation
and get down to the possible task of taking care of your soul.
A modest, and therefore marvelous, book about the life of the spirit.”

Thomas Moore is concerned about “soul” feeding. Centuries ago the Psalm writer felt the need to do “soul work.” It is still the cry of millions today. Daily soul work helps us discover the sacred in our routines. Sometimes we become concerned about the long-term (salvation), forgetting to see the gifts that surround us. Taking time in each moment to sense the divine enables us to care for the soul.

Nurturing the “core of our being” (Paul Tillich’s way of describing our souls), can provide many insights about how the Holy One comes so very close to us. Have a good week attending to your “soul work”.

A prayer for today:
God of my life and of all creation, teach me to take care of my soul. Amen.

Ben Keckler

1 comment:

Editor said...

Hi Ben,
If you're interested in Thomas Moore's writing, please visit Barque: Thomas Moore at . It's associated with a free forum about his writings and you are welcomed to join and post your reflections of his work.