Monday, January 7, 2008

Daily Devotions - Monday, January 7

A Never Ending Story

“O God, do not keep silence;
do not hold your peace or be still, O God!”
Psalm 83:1

The rhetoric of election year is filled with tension and the tension will only increase. No matter which newscast you listen to or which newspaper you read, the stories of chaos and political maneuvering clearly show us that conflict surrounds us. If only a big, booming voice could call down to all of us and issue a clear word, resonating a divine justice throughout the global village. In essence that is what the Psalm writer wants in the verse for today.

Hearts continually cry for divine intervention. It seems appropriate to sound forth the cry once again. Hopefully today can be a peaceful day for you!

A prayer for the year 2008:
God who knows about chaos and conflict,
Instill within me a spirit of peace and a desire for understanding. Amen.

Ben Keckler

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