Thursday, January 10, 2008

Daily Devotions - Thursday, January 10

What Is The Important Stuff?

“When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers,
The moon and the stars you have set on their courses,
What is humankind that you should be mindful of us?”
Psalm 8: 4, 5

This is an interesting question, don't you think? It is a question worthy of exploration and dialogue. The writer recognizes both how insignificant he/she is and how profoundly privileged he/she is. The question should cause us to realize just how skewed our vision can become.

Somehow we get stuck, thinking we are the center of the universe. Our affluence can cause us to miss enjoying simple things. We take little time focusing on the biggest picture because we are trying to create a big picture of our own. A collection of objects from nature—stones, feathers, pine cones, a flower, blades of grass—can really help us in our spiritual development. Taking 15 minutes in your day to simply be with an object and allow it to “tell its story” can truly be a meaningful way of getting in touch with our own “infinite smallness”. Taking time with the surroundings of nature that have been around forever can give us new perspectives about the plastic we use to purchase plastic things.

Consider the works of God’s creation for 15 brief minutes a day and you too will probably wonder, “Why is God so mindful of me?” Enjoy discovering the answer to this important question.

A prayer for today:
Holy God, slow me down enough so that in stillness I can discover. Amen.

Ben Keckler

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