Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Daily Devotions - Tuesday, January 1

Hope For 2008?

“On the day I called, God answered me,
increasing my strength of soul.”
--Psalm 138:3

One of the wonderful books we have in the chaplaincy library is Trina Paulus’ book, Hope for the Flowers. This engaging book talks about the life journey of caterpillars. As we begin this New Year, it feels like the word “Hope” is particularly important. Let’s listen in on a part of a conversation two of the caterpillars are having and then consider how it might apply to 2008:

“It can’t be true!” gasped Yellow (one of the caterpillars). How can I believe there’s a butterfly inside you or me when all I see is a fuzzy worm?” “How does one become a butterfly?” she asked pensively.

“You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a
caterpillar.” (The reply from the other caterpillar in their cocoon)

It feels like there is a tremendous insight in this conversation. May the year of 2008 be a tremendous butterfly year for each of us, individually and collectively.

A prayer for the year 2008:
God of refreshing possibilities, Help me to give up what needs to be so that I can be a butterfly this year. Amen.

Ben Keckler

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