Friday, February 15, 2008

Daily Devotions - Friday, February 15

Are You Listening?

“Give ear to my words, O Lord;
give heed to my sighing.
Listen to the sound of my cry,
my God, to you I pray.”
--Psalm 5: 1, 2

Sometimes there are moments when it feels like there is too much to be done and too many people needing attention and care. Sometimes I feel pushed beyond capacity. It feels like the Holy One isn’t hearing my prayers. Maybe this prayer expresses how it can be for you and for me in the middle of winter.

A prayer for today:
Almighty and Eternal God,
I come in prayer to express my needs, my moods and my desires.
I am fearful of exposing too much of myself to others because
They may laugh or
They may reject me.
Keep me from despair or cynicism or bitterness.
Remind me that
There are rich experiences available daily,
There is love to be given and received,
There is faith that transforms the ordinary in extra-ordinary ways.
I give myself to your guiding Spirit.
If today seems uncertain to me, remind me that You are not!

Ben Keckler

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