Friday, February 8, 2008

Daily Devotions - Friday, February 8

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

One of my mentors is Dr. Henri Nouwen, a renowned priest, caregiver and writer. Several years before his death, he was in an accident that took him to the very door of death. He wrote a book reflecting on his experience, Beyond the Mirror. It is a short book and worthy of your reading. In the chapter that deals with his recovery he writes:

“When I awoke from my operation and realized that I was not yet
in God’s house but still alive in the world, I had an immediate
perception of being sent: sent to make the all-embracing love
of the Father known to people who hunger and thirst for love,
but often look for it within a world where it cannot be found.”

Henri fully recovered and went on to conduct many seminars around the world, two of which I was privileged to attend. This “all-embracing love” as he calls it, is something he shared daily. Life presents us with fragmentation, separation and pain. Through loving, caring actions we can help that “all-embracing love” to be experienced.

Have a blessed day of caregiving.

Ben Keckler

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