Monday, February 25, 2008

Daily Devotions - Monday, February 25

Prayer for a New Week of Work

In A Book of Uncommon Prayer, written by Presbyterian professor and pastor Kenneth G. Phifer, there is a prayer entitled “I Need To Be More Loving.”

Almighty God,

I know so little of what love in its fullness can be. My love is marred by jealousy, scarred by envy and limited by selfishness. I withhold love at the slightest provocation, and withdraw myself from involvement with others for fear of being hurt.

Still, I know something of what love can be like. I can remember being forgiven generously and freely by someone I had wronged. I can remember being made strong by the realization that someone cared. And, if your teachings are right, to know what love is like is to know what you are like.

Out of your heart came the evidences of love for all kinds of people and a refusal to give up on any of us. Thank you for that love and for that refusal. I hope that I can catch more of your Spirit in my life.

Help me to be more outgoing, less sensitive to slights, and more alert to the feelings of others. Slow my judging nature. Diminish my righteous spirit. Open me to life and to the beauty in others. Increase my confidence so that I am less defensive and reactionary. Maximize my ability to love for, as you know O God, I need to be more loving. Amen.” (condensed and edited by B. Keckler)

Ben Keckler

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