Thursday, February 14, 2008

Daily Devotions - Thursday, February 14

Reflecting on Valentine's Day

“A friend loves at all times,
And a brother/sister is born for adversity.”
--Proverbs 17: 17

Happy Valentine’s Day! Stopping to think about all the ways that people are saying “I love you” today would be mind boggling. This holiday is one that, in many ways, is designed to have us share with one another tangible statements of our affections for the significant people in our lives. Enjoy!

Today is also a good day to express your “I love you” to those who have shaped your life. Spending some time in meditation, remembering family members who have died and family members who are miles and miles away can help to strengthen the significance of this day. Spending some time with people you know are lonely and grieving is another way to deepen the significance of the holiday.

Take some quiet time today. Think about friends who are experiencing adverse times and assure them that they are loved. Think about those who have helped to make you the person you are today and allow that old relationship to take on new meaning. Spread the love, from your heart to the hearts of others. As we take that kind of time, we will truly have a Happy Valentine’s Day! Have an enjoyable and meaningful day.

Ben Keckler

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