Monday, February 11, 2008

Daily Devotions - Monday, February 11

Need Your Battery Charged?

“O God, you are my God, I seek you,
my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you,
as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.”
--Psalm 63: 1

After a restful weekend we go to work energized and ready. We arrive at work and discover that the demands are more than we can imagine. All of a sudden the positive emotions are replaced by the reality of being “in a dry and weary land” and we can feel just like the Psalm writer—“there is no water.” If that is a description of your “Monday” at work, the following prayer may be helpful.

A prayer for today:
Ah God, I would thank you for your constant renewal.
Sometimes I’m happy, sometimes I’m blue, I fluctuate and vacillate.
Sometimes my heart sings, sometimes it sobs.
But your Spirit comes—
Sometimes when I pray for the coming and
Sometimes when I least expect it.
Keep coming, O Lord,
For I often get too busy, too harried and too preoccupied with the details of the day
And fail to ride on the wind of your Spirit.
I need to stop and look at my surroundings more often than I do.
Perhaps I will be more aware from now on but maybe not.
So keep coming, Lord.
I desperately need you, especially today.

Ben Keckler

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