Friday, February 26, 2010

Daily Devotion - Friday, February 26

Steadfast Love and Trust

“Let those who are wise give heed to these things,
and consider the steadfast love of the Lord.”

--From an ancient song of trust

Our week concludes with a verse from an old Hebrew hymn. This Psalm is a litany of the many ways God demonstrates steadfast love in all sorts of circumstances. It is as though the writer is concluding the song saying, “OK folks, if you are wise you will look at all these examples and trust in the steadfast love of the Lord.” Psalm 107 is filled with good observations that still ring true today—around 3,000 years later.

Popular writer, Max Lucado, has a deck of cards known as “Comfort Cards.” This 50 card set is a contemporary example echoing the sentiments of the Psalms. Here is a card that seems to incorporate our theme of the week, trust, and our meditation verse for today.

One side of the card says, “You can trust God.” The other side affirms this simple statement with these words; “You are not a candidate for insecurity. You are no longer a client of timidity. He has given His love to you; why don’t you give your doubts to Him?
On the days you don’t feel close to God, trust your faith and not your feelings.”

The steadfast love of God is trustworthy. Have a good day and a good weekend trusting in God’s steadfast love.

A prayer: Watch over me, God. Help me to recognize your steadfast love. Amen.

--Ben Keckler

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