Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Daily Devotion - Wednesday, February 10

Postlude to the Super Bowl

OK! This is the last post-Super Bowl devotion that I am going to write BEFORE the Super Bowl! Tomorrow will be a devotion written after the Super Bowl and I've got a special theme based on who the winner is. AND THEN, on Friday well.... just stayed tuned.

BUT there is still today. I've got one more thing I'd like to share as I do my dreaming about a hard fought, high scoring, triple overtime victory for my home town Colts as they play the underdog Saints, a team I truly respect. Most of us have heard the statement that it isn't about winning or losing, but its about how you play the game. Well, both of these teams are blessed with many people who play the game we call LIFE in a most humanitarian way.

There is this man named Drew who came to New Orleans and just keeps finding ways to not only share his wealth, but to give of his time, talent and energy revitalizing a city that lives under the level of the sea! It isn't just the picture we've seen of him presenting a $400,000 check for a charter school. Its about a person who unselfishly gives back. My son, who covered Drew's sports career at Purdue, calls him the most articulate athlete he has known.

The headlines are also filled with another humanitarian athlete, Peyton Manning. I live just a few blocks from the Children's Hospital that includes his name. I've visited children and families in that caring institution and I've heard the stories that go far beyond any story about financial contributions. I personally know people who have experienced his caring spirit, filled with generosity.

Then there are the stories about players from each team who have Haitian roots, players who have and are reaching down into their pockets and who are finding additional ways to help not just a earthquake riddled country, but a broken world to become a peaceful place where feelings are explored and given space – for healing and growing. I am grateful for humanitarian people who know that LIFE is bigger than a SUPER BOWL!

--Ben Keckler

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