Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Daily Devotion - Tuesday, February 9

Postlude to the Super Bowl

I do not know who won the Super Bowl!!!!! I'm writing this devotion on the Wednesday prior to the BIG GAME! What I am certain of is that one city is going to experience a victory parade and another city is going to cheer their home team in some sort of recognition celebration, even though they lost. Maybe there is a lesson in this!

In my work, I deal with loss every day. Sometimes it is happens when I facilitate a grief group, sometimes in a private session, sometimes in a hospital room. Loss happens daily. Often loss is accompanied by an extended period of grieving-- weeks, months, years, sometimes a lifetime. The one who dies is just as much a winner as the loser of the Super Bowl. Recognition in the form of celebration might be a reasonable consideration.

Just a few days ago, I journeyed with a family whose loved one had no more energy for living. The years of dialysis has taken their toll on body, mind and spirit. In her last days the family asked if we could celebrate her life when death came to them. They gave me a collection of the writings their loved one had written over the past decade and a half. It was filled with all sorts of inspirational materials. This now departed soul left a legacy that deserved celebration!

The same is true for the Colts and the Saints. A nation experienced two teams stay undefeated for more than 75% of the football season. As you read this you will know which city is recognizing the “defeated.” Thanks to the Colts and Saints for the remarkable season. And thanks, Becky, for your wonderful writings.

--Ben Keckler

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