Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Daily Devotion - Wednesday, February 3

Prelude to the Super Bowl

This week I’m giving some attention to the Super Bowl, offering a series of devotions titled, “Prelude to the Super Bowl.”

Yesterday we touched on some post-game comments made by players following our regular season loss to the Jets. Today I’d like to take you back to the 2007 Championship post-game.

Peyton Manning was asked by reporters if he was praying during the final minute of the game. “I don’t know if you are supposed to pray for stuff like that, but I said a little prayer,” Peyton replied.

In 2007 both Jim Irsay and Tony Dungy quickly interjected their thoughts about how God played a role in the victory with words like, “I want to give all the glory to God.” I can’t help but wonder:

• Would we have heard the same words in a loss?
• Is God only on the side of the winner?
• What’s God got to do with it?
• Is God a micro-manager or a macro-manager or ….?

I certainly don’t have a problem giving thanks to God, in fact, I think thanksgiving to the Creator is always in order. My challenge comes when language appears to reflect special favoritism being bestowed upon a person, a group of persons or a city of God’s people.

I really like the words one of my fellow chaplains shared with me some years ago: “It’s all God!”

Friends, OUR COLTS are in the Super Bowl. We know they are the best team because they are OUR TEAM. I can’t wait to experience another GREAT game!


--Ben Keckler

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