Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Daily Devotion - Tuesday, February 2

Prelude to the Super Bowl

This week I’m giving some attention to the Super Bowl, offering a series of devotions titled, “Prelude to the Super Bowl.”

I was privileged to watch the Jets/Colts game while we celebrated our granddaughter’s 3rd birthday. Don’t get me wrong – I think it would have been phenomenal to be at the game! The reason I call myself privileged is that I enjoyed celebrating two wonderful gifts—a granddaughter and the Colts.

Today I want to look at pivotal interviews of the season. During the regular season loss to the Jets, it was clear that the Colts players were rather disappointed that they were not going to have an undefeated season. The body language was clear. (I do like the bumper sticker that has emerged: Our Starters Are Still Undefeated.)

The pivotal interviews came right after the game. While disappointed, the players interviewed (Peyton and others) stated that Coach Caldwell makes the decisions and we carry them out. Two important things emerged from their statements: 1. We respect our leader (even when we disagree); and 2. We listen.

The players taught us a great deal about what successful, winning people and teams must do. Thanks, team, for teaching your fans the importance of Respect and Listening.

Have a blessed day listening to and serving others.

--Ben Keckler

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