Monday, February 1, 2010

Daily Devotion - Monday, February 1

Prelude to the Super Bowl

Just one week ago, Monday, January 25, we came to work celebrating the Colts victory over the Jets. Many of us watched the Colts make their way into the Super Bowl. Some of us were weary because we had been at the stadium, enthusiastically cheering. Most of us watched on TV as the Colts and Jets engaged in a hard-fought battle. This week I’d like to give some attention to the Super Bowl, offering a series of devotions titled, “Prelude to the Super Bowl.”

This is my second experience to live in a city where our “hometown team” has made it to the biggest game of the year. I’ve really enjoyed being part of all the football hype, probably because I really love the game of football. Two brief words, “GO COLTS!” will be the mantra this week. I imagine most of the hoopla will come from the Saints while the Colts will be more matter-of-fact in their approach. I hope each of us will continue enjoying all the preparations for next Sunday’s battle on the turf.

One thing that has impressed me this year is the way our Colts have played their game. There seems to be a special spirit in this team, a certain way they play this game not just on the field, but off the field as well. I appreciate their witness, representing the Colts organization as people who want to honor both God and others. I hope that when we are on the playing field at our work and when we are off the field, that we do the same – honor God and others.

A Prayer: God grant me a positive attitude whether I’m on or off the field. Amen.

--Ben Keckler

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