Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Daily Devotion - Monday, March 28

Surrendering to Mystery and Tension

The journey of life is filled with mystery and tension. Being faithful to self and trusting that a Holy Presence journeys with us is a worthy goal for each of us.

Clearly there are numerous voices on either side of every dilemma. One of the most difficult things in America, especially in these latest times of chaos, is maintaining respect for persons “on the other side of the fence.” Every voice seems able to justify their position and use a variety of quotes to back them up. Maintaining respect for, and carefully listening to the “other side” is tough, tough stuff. Yet, this difficult stuff is what makes America the wonderful place that it is.

United in the desire for liberty, but differing in methodology for maintaining liberty; can we live with that?

--Ben Keckler

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