Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Daily Devotion - Wednesday, March 23

Journey of Awareness

“Answer me when I call, O God of my right!
Be gracious to me, and hear my prayer.
I will both lie down and sleep in peace;
For you alone, O Lord, make me lie down in safety.”

--Psalm 4: 1, 8

One of the great journeys, maybe the greatest journey, we make is the journey of awareness. Hundreds and hundreds of writers have penned words to help us make the journey. The Psalm writer was making the journey and appears to be doing it with a measure of success in today’s Psalm. The song tells us of a person who is able to sleep peacefully, who is able to feel safety. These qualities hint that there is a measure of self-acceptance, a measure of awareness.

Daily I receive e-mails, texts and phone calls from friends voicing their reactions about the fragile nature of life. Times like these push us to remember who and whose we are. A very helpful book for making the journey is James McMahon’s, Radical Self-Acceptance. The book pushes the reader to work on significant aspects of life so that the “finished product” radiates the qualities of joy, compassion and peace.

Particularly in times when the surrounding culture is filled with chaos, it is important to journey inward. As we do this, we find ourselves in relationship with a big, big universe. As we do this, we discover that we can sleep in peace and lie down in safety. Have a good, good day!

A prayer: God of my journey, empower me on my journey through difficult times. Amen.

--Ben Keckler

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