Thursday, March 24, 2011

Daily Devotion - Thursday, March 24

Quiet Space for Reflection

“God, teach me lessons for living so I can stay on course.
Give me insight so I can do what you tell me—
My whole life being one long, obedient response.”

--From Psalm 119
As written in The Message

Chaos, complete with devastation, destruction and death is a part of our world once again. People in every part of this world are now faced with the reality of emotions that disaster brings. New occasions teach new duties. Lessons for living are being taught even as we read these words.

Why not take time to find a quiet space to pause and spend prayerful time learning the lessons you need for living. Finding the quiet center of life is very important.

Finding a place where your personal space is respected will help you to center and be still. May your moments of prayer help you stay on course.

Sometimes a specific time for gathering (like worship) is important. Today, allow me to simply encourage you to find a safe space for quiet reflection.

A prayer: God of my journey, give me insight and bring peace. Amen.

--Ben Keckler

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