Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Daily Devotion - Tuesday, March 22

Do You Hear Me?

“Give ear to my prayer, O God;
do not hide yourself from my supplication.
Attend to me, and answer me; I am troubled in my complaint.”

--Psalm 55:1, 2

Recently we have watched how the world can change in just a moment or two. I remain hopeful. I’ve been praying. Sometimes I feel like my prayers haven’t gotten past the ceiling. Like the writer of today’s verses, I am troubled. My world, our world, is ever changing. It will probably change in more dramatic ways than we have ever experienced.

The rhythm of life will go on. Time will tell how our new and renewing world will look. In the year 1790 a Seneca Indian, Cornplanter, addressed George Washington with these words,

“When you gave us peace, we called you father,
because you promised to secure us in possession of our lands.
Do this, and so long as the lands shall remain,
the beloved name will remain in the heart of every Seneca.”

As these next days, weeks, months and years unfold, we will learn if there can be a peace that is in the best interests of the world. Often I feel helpless and disappointed. I feel mad and sad. Another day has dawned and the work of healing lives, locally and globally, is still before us. May you experience enough of all you need for today.

--Ben Keckler

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