Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Daily Devotion - Tuesday, March 15

Back to the Garden

A few days ago, I started planting flower seeds. Some of them are from our flowers last year. Some of them have quite a history, connecting my wife and me with special people in our lives. Many of you have commented on my “seed stories” over the years; for newer readers, I feel you deserve to hear one of these stories as well:

• There’s the morning glory seed. Our original morning glory seeds came from the wife of a cancer patient some years ago. She brought the seeds to me and told me, how during the last months of her husband’s life, they would get up and walk in their back yard sipping on their morning coffee. She told me about his favorite line as they walked by their morning glory beds. “Good morning glory, it is going to be a glorious day.” She gave me the seeds and told me that she was giving them to people who would keep her husband living in this world.

• We have a number of trellises that will be filled with morning glories again this year. I will remember a dear man of God, still living, even though cancer called him from this life prematurely. I have some extra seeds if you’d like to enjoy your summer LIVING with a person you’ve never met.

• Today is Tuesday. Good morning glory! It is going to be a glorious day.

A prayer: Through the seed and soon the budding flower, connect me, O God, with you. Amen.

--Ben Keckler

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