Monday, April 28, 2008

Daily Devotions - Monday, April 28

God Found In Breadcrumbs?

Have you ever experienced an ache in your inner self? A sort of longing that is calling out to you….. a restlessness that isn’t satisfied when you “treat yourself” to a meal, a new outfit or a new gadget.

It is time to introduce another writer to you. Her name is Macrina Wiederkehr; one of her books is A Tree Full of Angels. She suggests that the longing or ache is for the reality of God awareness. She challenges us to look for “The Holy One” in the ordinary, not just the extraordinary. The Creator of all surrounds us more frequently than we acknowledge. Macrina would suggest that we sweep up too many breadcrumbs before stopping to realize the presence of God in what we are throwing away.

“The more I embrace the little one that I am, the more I have an inkling of some mysterious greatness, something infinite stirring within and yearning to be found. I feel it within me more each day. It is like dynamite waiting to be ignited, like a treasure waiting to be found, like a gift waiting to be given and received.”

Be alert to the times you feel that aching inside. Assess the things around you and you will discover that God is a lot closer than you realized. Have a blessed day as you find trees filled with angels.

A prayer for today: Teach me to be more aware, O God. Amen.

Ben Keckler

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