Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Daily Devotions - Tuesday, April 8

The Great Listener

“Give ear to my words, O Lord; give heed to my sighing.
Listen to the sound of my cry O my God, for to you I pray. ”
--from Psalm 5

This week we seek to be better listeners through a prayer to the Great Listener. Thank you Rev. Kenneth Phifer for this prayer.

Lord, this is a sobbing world.
There are voices filled with echoes of hurt and pain everywhere.
There are voices almost choked out by tears and voices that come out of aching.
There are hollow voices, empty voices.
I would rather not hear them—
the voices of hungry children
and of sorrowing women
and of desperate men.
But they are all around me.
Enable me to hear them, I pray, and in the hearing
Be able to be near my brothers and sisters.

Have a blessed day as you listen.

Ben Keckler

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