Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Daily Devotions - Tuesday, April 22

An Awareness Within

“Lead me in your truth, and teach me,
for you are the God of my salvation;
for you I wait all day long.”
--Psalm 25: 5

This is an interesting verse. Are we to wait around all day for God to lead us? How does God lead us into truth? How can we be taught without the voice of a teacher?

Spiritual directors across all lines of faith remind us that every individual needs to cultivate a sense of awareness within. It is possible to be “waiting” while we are working on a given task. It is possible to be taught without a voice speaking audible tones. It is possible to be led even when you are “on task” with something that needs to be done.

Today provides each of us with another time to develop awareness of the still small voice that prompts us in ways that are rather difficult to explain. John A. Shedd once said, “Opportunities are seldom labeled.” Enjoy your day of work and be attentive. There is no need to just “sit around and wait;" the cries of those needing care surround us. Have a blessed day!

A prayer: Bless the work of my hands this day as I continue to develop a deeper awareness of your truth, O God. Amen.

Ben Keckler

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