Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Daily Devotions - Wednesday, April 23

Expressing our Gratitude

“I will sing of your steadfast love, O Lord, forever;
with my mouth I will proclaim your faithfulness to all generations.”
--Psalm 89:1

The Psalmist is filled with gratitude, expressing it freely and artistically. It is good to bring out the artist that is within us, to learn how to express the gratitude we feel in our souls. The more we offer praise and thanksgiving, the better we feel.

Sometimes it is difficult to feel and believe that there is artistic ability within us. Frequently (like when playing Pictionary) people express their insecurity about artistic gifts. With all the great works of art that surround us these emotions are quite understandable. Personally, I still remember the name of my junior high art teacher, the “D” she gave me on a drawing I’d done, her comments about my work and the feeling of inadequacy that was created. In case you ever battle with similar challenges as you try to express what is on the “inside,” these quotes may be helpful:

“Every child is an artist.
The problem is how to remain an artist once the child grows up.”

--Pablo Picasso

“I do believe it is possible to create,
even without writing a word or painting a picture,
by simply molding one’s inner life.
And that too is a deed.”

--Etty Hillesum

Have an artistic day, living the thanks and praise you have within.

Ben Keckler

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