Thursday, April 17, 2008

Daily Devotions - Thursday, April 18

The Creator Watches Over Creation

“The eyes of all look to you, Father of all,
and you give them all they need at the proper time.
You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing.”
--from a Song of the Hebrew people

Springtime, the season of new life and resurrection, surrounds us. Religions of the world are taking time to commemorate the open hand of God upon a world that has been cold and dark throughout the winter. A common theme clearly emerges—the Creator watches over creation and creation is filled with gratitude to the Creator for the gifts of redemption and life. St. Francis offers this prayer:

My Father, thank you for the gift of this life…
full of wonders… full of people I can love for your sake.
Thank you that I am surrounded above and below,
behind and before, by you.
Today and all days… let me fix my eyes upon you…
So that I may be filled with the inner fire of your presence!

As you take time to commemorate the Holy Days that are important to you in your spiritual journey, may thanksgiving fill your soul.

Ben Keckler

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