Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Daily Devotions - Tuesday, April 29

The Way of Peace

“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you.”
--Jesus, as remembered by John (14:27)

Our Native American brothers and sisters—Miami, Sioux, Navajo, and Potawatomi, to name a few—were wise people.

“It is no longer good enough to cry peace,
we must act peace,
live peace
and live in peace.”

--Ancient Indian Proverb

These words are powerful! They suggest we have talked enough, that we have gone around and around about the desire for peace-filled times. Recently I participated in a continuing education course and the theme was simply:

“So, what are YOU going to do about it?”

The proverb and the question combined with the scripture verse for today, pose a challenge for responsible living in a chaotic world. There are ample examples suggesting that the time for talking about peace needs to be reflected in our actions immediately.

The three introspective questions for today could be:
Am I acting peace?
Am I living peace?
Am I living in peace?

A prayer: Amid the talk, may my walk reflect the way of peace. Amen.

Ben Keckler

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