Monday, April 7, 2008

Daily Devotions - Monday, April 7


“Give ear to my words, O Lord; give heed to my sighing.
Listen to the sound of my cry O my God, for to you I pray. ”
--from Psalm 5

This week we are going to work through a prayer by Kenneth Phifer entitled, “I Need To Listen.” The verses of the Psalm introduce us to a person who desires that God hear his/her prayers. The theme of Rev. Phifer’s prayer is for God to empower him to be a better listener. It seems these two themes can be drawn together.

How strange it is, O Lord,
that I should feel I need to ask you to hear me.
Is it not I who need to learn to listen?
Should I not ask you to jerk me to my feet,
to snatch me out of my drowsy indifference,
to nudge me into alertness?
I am constantly surrounded by sounds I do not hear,
By voices to which I am indifferent.

This is a singing world.
There are voices of angels
and voices of those inviting me to share in their lives.
Enable me to hear them, I pray,
and in the hearing be lifted up to gratitude
for the mystery and magic of being human.

Ben Keckler

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